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Explore a range of virtual and in-person webinars, trainings, and presentations surrounding IDEA data accessibility. These opportunities allow us to tailor our content to the needs of diverse stakeholders and meaningfully engage with the field.

The 2024 Division for Early Childhood's Annual International Conference on Young Children with Disabilities and Their Families will focus on The Future of Inclusive Practices: Creating Equitable Access, Participation, and Supports.

September 17 - September 20 New Orleans, Louisiana

Join the Weiss Center as we delve into the updated regulations to Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Improve your understanding of the regulations’ implications on education agencies and the impact on individuals and students with disabilities. Hear first-hand from a featured State how they address and overcome digital accessibility issues to meet requirements and best practices.

September 24 05:00 PM - 6:00 PM UTC Zoom

The NASDSE Annual Conference is the premier opportunity for State Directors and SEA Staff to come together, network, connect, learn and grow alongside your peers. The conference draws over 300 participants from State Education Agencies who are committed to ensuring systems are in place to ensure children with disabilities will live, learn, work and participate in their communities.

October 7 - October 9 Minneapolis, Minnesota

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